Solutions For Life’s Hardest Problems

Deliverance ministry is not taboo. Unlike other ministries who shy away from the subject, we believe that healing is the children’s bread, so we embrace it and make our resources accessible to all believers.


For those who already know which prayer to use.


We suggest going through an assessment first!


Get resources that you need to help you engage with our deliverance tools.

Who Are We?

We minister strategic assistance through Jesus Christ to survivors of satanic ritual abuse and other occult backgrounds.

During our years of ministry to those with deep bondages, we have become well-known for our extremely effective prayer resources. Many of our prayer resources are designed to achieve high-level deliverance from complex sources of spiritual and at times technological bondage.
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In the past, people who wanted to use our resources had to either read the prayers over themselves or book a session with one of our coaches. Now, our deliverance portal is designed to take the user experience to the next level, going beyond FREE prayer templates.

This deliverance portal will provide you with assessments to help determine problem areas. You will be led to dedicated pages where Pastor Dan Duval will pray over your deliverance needs with recordings of our prayer resources. Never before has deliverance been so accommodating and accessible!

Do Christians
Need Deliverance?

There are a number of groups in Christianity that struggle with the idea that a Christian would need deliverance from demonic bondages. If you are struggling with the idea that a Christian would need deliverance, one needs to look no further than Acts 8. In this chapter, Peter and John meet Simon, who formerly practiced sorcery.

Simon converted to Christianity after encountering Philip the Evangelist. After seeing Peter and John lay hands on people so they would receive the Holy Spirit, he offers to pay them for their power and Peter rebukes him. Then Peter reveals that although Simon had believed in Jesus Christ and also been baptized in water (Acts 8:13), he was still in the gall of bitterness and in the bondage of iniquity (Acts 8:23). Simon needed deliverance as a born-again believer, and so do we!


What Are People
Saying About The Portal?


We understand at BRIDE Ministries that ministry must be done to the whole man.

There is a place for teaching and renewing of the mind. There is a place for both physical and inner healing. There is a place for ministry to the human spirit. However, there is also a place for deliverance, and when breakthroughs are held up in other types of ministry, a need for deliverance often resides at the center of why. Deliverance brings about:

How Does It Work?

Take these three simple steps…

Take Our Proprietary  Assessment

Get Custom Prayer Recommendations

Receive Deliverance Through Our Prayers

You May Ask

Is It Safe?

When it comes to deliverance, there is always the chance that a bondage goes so deep, there may be adverse effects for trying to do self-deliverance. Therefore, to go further with this portal, you must agree to hold BRIDE Ministries International harmless for anything negative that may result from pursuing self-deliverance irresponsibly. At BRIDE Ministries, we also offer Coaches that can work with you one-on-one when self-deliverance is not possible. You will find links on every prayer page to our coaches incase you need further help.

Others Had These Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Our deliverance portal is 100% FREE. At BRIDE Ministries International, it is our heart to see millions around the world set free from bondage by the power of Jesus Christ. The purpose of this portal is to help as many people as possible, and therefore we are making these extraordinary cutting-edge resources available at no cost. We invite you to sow a financial seed into this ministry as you are blessed by the resources!

Daniel Duval doesn’t take one-time session anymore. At BRIDE Ministries,  we are training and releasing deliverance Coaches to meet the demand. We want to offer an abundance of ministers that can meet your deliverance and inner healing needs! With each passing year, you can look forward to more trained coaches being added to the platform. On each prayer page, you will see a book now button, which will take you to our ministry page. There, you can either apply for a coaching scholarship or book with one of our coaches directly.

One of the outreaches of BRIDE Ministries International is to provide strategic assistance to survivors of severe trauma that do not have the finances to get the help they need. For this reason, we have a scholarship program through our ministry that provides for 16 hours of FREE coaching with one of our trained DID Coaches. To apply for this opportunity, click here.

We, at BRIDE Ministries International, feel that you should believe the Bible first and foremost. We are well aware that there are ministries that teach that Christians can’t have demons. We would never force anyone to believe as we do that Christians can be held in demonic bondage, and if you are uncomfortable receiving deliverance, proceed no further! However, if you are reading this FAQ, you are likely looking for permission to receive the deliverance you know you need. In our experience, not only do Christians have demons and demonic bondage, but we believe that biblical deliverance ministry is necessary for every believer. Acts chapter 8 clearly reveals that Simon the sorcerer was still in the bondage of iniquity after he was saved and baptized. If God has led you to this deliverance resource, we invite you to use it! If your current church or ministry doesn’t agree with deliverance ministry, you have the convenience and access to confidentially receive your deliverance in private. God wants you free!
We are primarily interested in seeing actual demonstrative and repeatable results in the area of deliverance. The prayers that are found in this deliverance portal produce repeatable and anticipatable results. It is the specificity of the language found in our prayer templates that allows for this to be achieved. While the language may seem foreign, it is only because much of the church remains ignorant regarding the mechanics of the spirit realm and how to frame prayers in such a way that the legalities of the spirit realm are turned in our favor. We believe that the language in our prayers will only feel foreign until the body of Christ grows familiar with the technicalities of the spirit realm and what it takes to truly get free. While some of the terms are very specific and technical, all of the mechanics that undergird the language of our prayers are derived from biblical revelation.

Deliverance isn’t a standalone subject when it comes to the Christian experience. Sometimes, deliverance requires inner healing to take place first. Dissociation plays a huge role in the inability that people have in receiving deliverance work, and before a person has moved past amnesic walls, it can be very difficult to receive deliverance ministry. In some cases, the blocks are related to technologies that are being used against the person. Regardless of the actual reason for the block, it is typically necessary to seek out help from qualified ministers or coaches that can help you work past your blocks in a private one-on-one setting. By visiting our ministry page, you will be able to find qualified ministers that can help you overcome!

Copyright 2022.
All rights reserved to Bride Ministries International.


The prayer resources contained here are extremely powerful and should only be engaged in a safe setting. Do not engage with these prayers while driving, working with heavy machinery, or engaged in any kind of activity where a physical manifestation resulting from the use of these prayers could cause harm or injury. It is important to understand that the use of these resources can result in the recovery of suppressed or repressed memories, resulting in flashbacks, body memories, or other manifestations. The user understands that this resource is not a diagnostic tool to determine the presence of any kind of disease or psychological issue. This is a collection of free prayer resources based on the principles of the Bible. The user understands and agrees that use of these resources is entirely voluntary and at the discretion of the user. For this reason, the use of any part of this website is an agreement by the user to hereby release and forever discharge Daniel Duval, BRIDE Ministries, His agents, employees, successors, and assigns, and any and all persons, firms or corporations liable or who might be claimed to be liable, whether or not herein named, none of whom admit any liability to the undersigned, but all expressly denying liability, from any and all claims, demands, damages, actions, causes of action or suits of any kind or nature whatsoever, which the user now has or may hereafter have, arising out of or in any way relating to any and all injuries and damages of any and every kind, to both person and property, and also any and all injuries and damages that may develop in the future, as a result of or in any way relating to this website and all resources contained therein, whether utilized on the website or through any presentation that duplicates resources from the website. It is understood and agreed that this release shall be binding upon the user, and his/her/their respective heirs, executors, administrators, personal representatives, successors and assigns. This agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of Texas, without regard to principles of conflict of laws. The user of this website and its resources hereby submits to the exclusive jurisdiction of those courts for purposes of any such proceeding. Furthermore, the user of this website and its resources, by virtue of choosing to engage with them, submits all parts of their humanity under the spiritual jurisdiction of the kingdom of God and opens themselves up to the intervening power of Jesus Christ.