- Father in heaven, I come before you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I renounce ___________________ and serve him/her a bill of divorce. I pull up the hidden documents detailing every covenant, contract, certificate, oath, and vow entangling us and command that they be stamped with the blood of Jesus.
- In the name of Jesus, I pray that your heavenly hosts would be put on assignment to place every alter/part belonging to me that is loyal to ________________ on temporary lock-down.
- I pray that those parts would be escorted before the throne of the Father in heaven to be purged of their _________________ components and completely healed and delivered.
- I pray that those parts would be escorted to the feet of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to be purged of their _________________ components and completely healed and delivered.
- I pray that those parts would be put to sleep.
- I pray that those parts would be fired and sent to wherever the Lord Jesus sends them.
- I now deed ____________________’s territory in me over to the kingdom of God and I invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and to rule over this territory with your rod of iron.
- In the name of Jesus, I now bind all gatekeepers, and discover each and every portal access point belonging to _______________________, his/her realm, and his/her inheritance.
- I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated.
- I take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, and I cut myself free from ___________________, his/her realm, and his/her inheritance, in Jesus’ name.
- I return every form of counterfeit inheritance, inclusive of promised wealth, position, status, calling, ability, roots, power, genetic code, seed, and any other form of counterfeit inheritance, in Jesus’ name. I refuse it and sever myself from it, and I choose to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ. I renounce all spirit children related to _________________ and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I command their judgment and the purging of the realms they occupy by judgment through living water. I also reclaim and receive every part of me that has been imprisoned by ______________________ or in his/her realm.
- I appeal to justice and I pray that _____________________ would now reap a hundred-fold return for all of the evil sown against me, my ancestors, and all whom I represent in the form of justice and judgment and wrath, arrows and lightning, hailstones, tsunamis of living water, and plundering by the armies of heaven, in Jesus’ name.
- I now take authority over every evil spirit on the inside of me and around me that has been operating under the authority of ___________________. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of me for judgment. I declare that you are being sent to the abyss for failed assignment.
- Lastly, I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, device, label, jewel, amulet, necklace, earring, crown, ring, bracelet, charm, garment, scepter, marker, power source, tracking device, system, grid, or branding placed in or around every part of me in order to anchor in __________________ would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ and totally dissolved. I close every door known and unknown, seen and unseen, and call them completely sealed in Jesus’ name. I render this entire confession established in every timeline, age, realm, and dimension, past, present, and future, to infinity. Amen.
15 Responses
Wow! I felt a release from my heart, and also a voice was telling me to say “NO” as I was agreeing with Dan’s prayer. Thank God for this resource; God bless you Dan and your team for putting together this Deliverance tool!!
Your prayer above wherein the listener is to agree with your prayer was abruptly stopped before the end of the first sentence in line 10.)
Please adjust the video adding what is necessary to complete line 10.)
Thank you for your diligence and faithfulness to God and family!
All His best,
Anthony Crawley
I went through this list 1/2 way and most names were ugly to me so I ended up renouncing over 50 to 60 names. AND, I HAVE NEVER BEFORE EXPERIENCED SUCH PEACE. Thank you Dan Duval. Will do the rest of the list another time. Am experiencing a horrendous problem with what I now think is one of Hitler Project Nephilm for 20 years. So I use every resource trying to get rid of it strengthening all systems in order to repel the monster.
Where did you find the list? The book Prayers That Shake Heaven and Earth says on page 173 that there is a more broad list of the names of fallen evil heavenly powers on this website bride movement.com. I have looked and looked and cannot find the list. Can someone please give me this list? I also cannot find a contact for this website. I need help please.
Hello Valerie,
Here is the list of Fallen Heavenly Powers from bridemovement.com: https://bridemovement.com/extended-list-of-evil-heavenly-powersprincipalities/
Blessings! 🙂
Good day Dan
Thank you sooo very much for your unselfishness and sharing these invaluable LIVE giving Delivarance, Knowlegde and Wisdom with us. I thank Father God for your Ministry, as it is nowhere to be found.????✝️????????
Hello how would I know what entities I’m supposed to name?
Thank you
Hi Anna,
As you go through the entities list provided in the assessments, you will speak the names out loud, as you go through them you may have a gut reaction or feeling of disgust going for certain names. Then you can add the entity’s name into the prayer. Be blessed1 🙂
Hi hi, my whole body and everything is so intensely reacting. How is the best way to cope with all this stuff?
Really struggle with that stuff. Blessings and honour JvB
I Just prayed the prayer with Dan on this page for the first entity. And immediately I was touched, by the words if the prayer.
There were things coming up, I never tough of in 20 years. They need to go, so I am confident that I will receive many wonders in the next prayers of Freedom From Fallen Heavenly Powers.
Praise be to God ! Thank you for forgiving me for my past.
I was laughing.
What do we put in these blank spaces.
I pray that those parts would be escorted before the throne of the Father in heaven to be purged of their _________________ components and completely healed and delivered.
I pray that those parts would be escorted to the feet of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah to be purged of their _________________ components and completely healed and delivered.
I have a tickle in my throat and doing a lot of coughing and feel sick to my stomach leading up to and after doing the prayer. Is this normal?
Thank you Bride Ministries for all you do and may God bless you ABUNDANTLY!!!
This is such a rich resource. God bless.
I must say, I had to take a day after listing and then getting your resource for pray as I had a definite physical reaction to hearing this prayer.
Onward and forward to tackle the other 20! Lord help me.
So glad I found yous!